Friday, May 11, 2018

A Big Red Start Button

Welcome to this place.
 It's a starting point on my newest journey,the journey to Me. I know the world, especially the internet world is full of people trying to find themselves, and I'm not unique in this, but recent events have made me realize something important. I don't know who I am anymore.

 A lot of personas are expected of me. I'm a mother, a wife, a daughter,a sister, and a friend. All of that comes with expectations and responsibilities that I have to live up to and take care of, I am fine with all that, that is just how life goes but in the everyday struggles of living and being all those things to other people for so long I don't even know what I am with out the external labels. I'm only a wife, or mother or friend or whatever, and my whole life revolves around what I do for those involved. I don't think I just lost myself, I don't think I ever really had an independent personas at all.

 So here we are... 28 years old and trying to figure out who is Witchy D? I don't know whats going to happen in here, it may just be a place I post the confusion going on in my mind but I figure, hey I'm probably not alone in this so why not share? See ya on the other side!

Up and Coming Attractions:
Lots of talk about yoga and fitness
Parenting stuff
Homework and other things related becoming a Certified Herbalist
Random adventures and trying out new things
Way to many emotions and not dealing with them well, not well at all
Rambling... Like a ton of it